Server Rules

Please follow these and you will be good to go.

Main Rules

- Roleplay in the spawn area (Marked by text screens) is not allowed the only thing allowed in spawn RP wise is completing a hit as a Hitman.
- RDM, VDM and NLR are under no circumstances permitted, any excuse will be ignored and 3-6 hour ban will be issued.
- If you need a member of staff use an @ symbol in front of your message.
- Any smart or offensive comments will result in either a kick or a ban depending on the severity of the comment.
- Do not spam with your mic or in chat.
- You cannot kill yourself during any roleplay situation apart from a suicide roleplay.
- Multi adverts are not allowed.
- Spamming 'Go Green' and 'Vape Nation' is not allowed. You can be shot on sight for spamming this.
- Sitting down using 'Alt + E' to avoid RP is not allowed.
- If you are going to mug someone who has a gun out make sure you tell them to put the gun away before you shoot them.

Building Rules

- Do not build on roofs of buildings that do not have any form of walkway up to them that is default in the map.
- Fading doors must be at ltast 5 seconds long.
- Invisible cameras are not allowed.
- One way props are allowed but not to be abused, it is the staff dealing with the situations discretion weather or not it is being abused.
- Only Hobos can build on the streets.
- Do not block off tunels to claim the whole area the other side.
- If you own a base you must have at least one entrance that has fading doors with keypads that are accessible to everyone.
- You are not to have valubles in your base if you have a building sign up, a result in being caught with this is your valubles being deleted.

Job Rules

- Gun and black market dealers are never to self-supply, if caught doing so will result in 15 minute ban from job.
- If a cop is trying to hand cuff you, you are not allowed to shoot them. Only melee weapons are allowed to be used to defend yourself.
- The maximum mug price is $200,000.
- The maximum hostage ransome price is $400,000.
- Excessive or unnecessary use of the stun stick or stun gun is not allowed.
- If you are going to warrant someone you must have hard, visual evidence.
- Mayors cannot set laws that deny the use if chat, sprinting, crouching, walking or speaking.
- Mayors cannot revoke the right for privacy, meaning people are not allowed to lock their doors.
- Do not spam the police radio, if reported for this you will be banned from the job for 30 minutes.
- Government officials are not to tase, shoot or handcuff each other.
- Any form of abuse from any job will result in a 30 minute ban from that job.
- You cannot raid as a Government Official, Citizen, Hobo, King Hobo, Miner, Taxi Driver, Mechanic, Cinema Owner, Bank Owner, Medic, Drug Dealer, Gun Dealer, Black Market Dealer, Hit Man, Kidnapper, Security Guard.
- You cannot print money as a Government Official, Citizen, Hobo, King Hobo, Miner, Taxi Driver, Mechanic, Cinema Owner, Bank Owner, Medic, Hit Man, Kidnapper, Security Guard.
- You cannot base as a Government Official, Cinema Owner, Bank Owner, Hit Man.
- As a hitman you must tell the person you have a hit on that you have a hit on them.

Raiding Rules

- You can only raid a base once every 15 minutes.
- Only thiefs, rebels and terrorists can raid the bank.
- When raiding the bank you cannot block of the doors or make ways of you having a huge advantage over the defending teams.
- When there is a bank raid NLR does not count but if the robbery fails NLR is reactive and nobody can return.
- Do not blow up vehicles next to people's bases or use explosives to damage their props/valubles unless you are raiding them.

Donator Rules

- Do not use the spiderman SWEP to fly into people's bases.
- As a VIP you do not have any more authority over staff or other players and you will be banned if needed.

Staff Rules

Please follow these and you will be good to go.

- Do not spawn in weapons or vehicles.
- Do not randomly punish people.
- Do not noclip off duty.
- Super admin or higher are allowed to noclip off duty but cannot roleplay during this time.
- Do not force people into jobs they do not have permission to use or do not want.
- Do not set money of other players without an owners permission.
- Do not encourage someone to break a rule, this is punishable by a demotion.
- Do not ask for a promotion, this will result in an instant demotion.
- If you are going to be away for a while make sure you notify a higher member of staff.
- For every 10 players there are on the server there must be 1 member of staff on duty.
- Do not RP while on duty

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All rights reserved.
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