Promotion System

To be considered for promotion you must meet these requirements.

Trial Staff

- You must have at least 1 days in total on our server to apply for Trial-Staff
- You must be at least 13 years old
- You must have a microphone
- You may have a maximum of one temp ban (This will affect your application)
- You must listen and follow requests of any higher up staff
- Asking someone to read your application in-game or on the Teamspeak will result in your application being instantly denied


- Under 3 active warnings and a minimum of one ban.
- Have a decent amount of knowlege of the rules and ULX.
- Must be active in-game (3 or more days playtime).
- Must be active on the forums.
- Must have a microphone.


- No active warnings or previous/active bans.
- Have an amazing amount of knowlege of the rules and ULX.
- Must be active in-game (6 or more days playtime).
- Must be active on the forums.
- Must have a microphone.
- Able to work independently with little to no help.
- Possess the ability to work as a team.
- Must be able to work under pressure and remain calm in situations.

Super Admin

- No active warnings or previous/active bans.
- Have an outstanding amount of knowlege of the rules and ULX.
- Must be active in-game (12 or more days playtime).
- Must be active on the forums.
- Must have a microphone.
- Able to work independently with no help.
- Possess the ability to work as a team and lead as a team.
- Must be able to work under pressure and remain calm in situations.
- Guide lower ranks through the system and make sure they are doing the right thing.

Head Admin

- No active warnings or previous/active bans.
- Have an outstanding amount of knowlege of the rules and ULX.
- Must be active in-game (24 or more days playtime).
- Must be active on the forums.
- Must have a microphone.
- Able to work independently with no help.
- Possess the ability to work as a team and lead as a team.
- Must be able to work under pressure and remain calm in situations.
- Guide lower ranks through the system and make sure they are doing the right thing.
- Show a great performance and you may be selected to take this position (This position is not permenant and you can be demoted!).


- Haha, never going to happen.

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